
Online/Remote Coaching

Train by yourself or with a friend, in your own time but with online programming, remote guidance and monitoring from our experts to ensure you meet your goals.

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Team S&C and Performance

All your gym and field/court based training looked after by our expert coaches. Available coached in person or coached remotely. Fully periodised and individual programs for each of your athletes based on our assessments and your goals for the season. Pitch based, speed and energy systems training based on the needs of the sport. Athlete monitoring, loading and nutrition advice for all your players…

email direct for more information

Physical Education

For everybody…

We offer various short physical education courses for you to upgrade your knowledge in different areas of health and fitness making you more independently capable of steering  your own fitness journey.

For teachers and students….

For teachers we have some valuable resources and support for teaching the New Leaving Cert course. Especially in the whole area of sports performance and video analysis, etc.

For students we offer both extensive and bitesized learning resources covering all strands in the new Leaving Cert PE course….

Coming September 2023…